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Media Release

S.U.C.C.E.S.S. 50th Golden Anniversary Bridge to S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Gala to feature Hong Kong star

Posted date: February 15, 2023

For Immediate Release

Media Release
Feb. 15, 2023

S.U.C.C.E.S.S. 50th Golden Anniversary Bridge to S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Gala to feature Hong Kong star

Vancouver, B.C. – S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Foundation is thrilled to announce that the 2023 Bridge to S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Gala, which is scheduled for Saturday, April 8 at the Westin Bayshore Hotel in Vancouver, will feature Hong Kong singer-songwriter Christopher Wong.

This year’s Gala coincides with our agency’s 50th Golden Anniversary celebration, marking our five decades of community service, following S.U.C.C.E.S.S.’ founding in 1973.

“I’m delighted to be celebrating this historic milestone at this year’s Bridge to S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Gala,” said CEO Queenie Choo. “At its heart, S.U.C.C.E.S.S. is about building a community of care and support. Looking back at our achievements over the past 50 years, I am amazed and honoured by all the passion and dedication that our staff, supporters and donors have brought to our mission of changing lives.”

The fundraising target for this year’s Gala is $500,000.  Proceeds from the Gala will go to fund S.U.C.C.E.S.S. programs that receive no funding or partial funding from the government, such as our counselling services, our Help Lines, which are offered in four languages, and our community programs for seniors.

“We would not have been able to host the Gala all these years without the generous support of community leaders, corporate sponsors, individual donors as well as all three levels of government,” said Foundation Board Chair Jason Lam. “Thank you all for your continued support. Now, let’s come together to write the next golden chapter of our S.U.C.C.E.S.S. story.”

Each year, the Gala draws hundreds of business and community supporters for a luxurious night of philanthropy, featuring a cocktail reception, live entertainment, luxurious silent and live auctions and fine dining. This year, celebrity Hong Kong performer Christopher Wong will headline the Gala.

“Our gala has a tradition of giving our guests a memorable evening by inviting celebrities to perform and this year is no exception. We will have a great show for our guests,” said Gala Co-Chair and Foundation Board member Stephanie Li. “As a renowned singer-songwriter from Hong Kong, Christopher Wong is praised by his fans as the ‘Prince of Love Songs.’ We’re excited he will be sharing his talents in support of S.U.C.C.E.S.S., and we hope everyone will be able to join us for this golden gala performance.”

Tickets are now on sale at the $388, $588, and $888 tier levels via our S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Foundation website at You can also support S.U.C.C.E.S.S. by visiting our online auction and purchasing raffle tickets when sales open in March.

About our sponsors


Official Airline Sponsor Air Canada
Premier Sponsor RBC
Official Jewelry Sponsor Lugaro Jewelers
Program Book Sponsor Concord Pacific
Program Support Sponsor Fairchild Media Group
Special Promotions Sponsor LS Times TV / Canwest
Official Printing Sponsor Horseshoe Press
Technical & Lighting Sponsor Top Line Entertainment Ltd
Diamond Sponsors Bosa / Vanprop

Chempaka Holding Ltd / Sing Yeo & Patricia Yeo


Ip Family Charity Fund

Park Georgia Insurance / Wawanesa

Tom Lee Music

50th Anniversary Sponsor CIBC
Silent Auction Sponsor Leith Wheeler
Silver Sponsors Maxim’s

Patsy Hui



Bronze Sponsors Clark Wilson LLP

Delta Pacific Brokers

dys architecture


National Bank Financial – Johnny Cheung Wealth Management Group


Sunrise Soya Foods

Vancouver Chinatown Foundation

Vanprop Investments Ltd.

Major Media


Fairchild TV / Talent Vision / AM1470 / FM 96.1


CHMB AM 1320

Ming Pao Daily News

Sing Tao Daily

Media Sponsors Canadian Chinese Express

Canadian City Post

Richmond Sentinel

Special Thanks Allen Lau Photography

Popup Media

For more information

Elaine O’Connor
Director, Strategic Communications and Partnerships
[email protected]

About S.U.C.C.E.S.S.
Founded in 1973, S.U.C.C.E.S.S. is one of the largest social service agencies in Canada. It offers a wide range of programs and services that promote the belonging, wellness, and independence of people on their Canadian journey. Program and services are offered in the areas of newcomer settlement, English language training, employment and entrepreneurship, family, youth and seniors programming, health education, community development, seniors care, and affordable housing. For more details, please visit

About S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Foundation
Incorporated in 2001, S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Foundation is a charitable organization that raises funding for S.U.C.C.E.S.S. and its affiliated organizations supporting S.U.C.C.E.S.S. mandates that focus on strengthening our diverse communities. For more details, please visit

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S.U.C.C.E.S.S. 50th Golden Anniversary Bridge to S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Gala to feature Hong Kong star








「我們的晚會有一個傳統,即通過邀請名人表演給我們的客人一個難忘的夜晚,今年也不例外。我們將為我們的客人准備一場精彩的演出,」晚會聯合主席和基金會理事會成員Stephanie Li說:「作為來自香港的著名創作歌手,黃凱芹被他的粉絲稱贊為『情歌王子』。我們很高興他將分享他的才華以支持中僑,我們希望每個人都能來參加我們這個金禧週年晚會。」



Official Airline Sponsor Air Canada
Premier Sponsor RBC
Official Jewelry Sponsor Lugaro Jewelers
Program Book Sponsor Concord Pacific
Program Support Sponsor Fairchild Media Group
Special Promotions Sponsor LS Times TV / Canwest
Official Printing Sponsor Horseshoe Press
Technical & Lighting Sponsor Top Line Entertainment Ltd
Diamond Sponsors Bosa / Vanprop

Chempaka Holding Ltd / Sing Yeo & Patricia Yeo


Ip Family Charity Fund

Park Georgia Insurance / Wawanesa

Tom Lee Music

50th Anniversary Sponsor CIBC
Silent Auction Sponsor Leith Wheeler
Silver Sponsors Maxim’s

Patsy Hui



Bronze Sponsors Clark Wilson LLP

Delta Pacific Brokers

dys architecture


National Bank Financial – Johnny Cheung Wealth Management Group


Sunrise Soya Foods

Vancouver Chinatown Foundation

Vanprop Investments Ltd.

Major Media


Fairchild TV / Talent Vision / AM1470 / FM 96.1


CHMB AM 1320

Ming Pao Daily News

Sing Tao Daily

Media Sponsors Canadian Chinese Express

Canadian City Post

Richmond Sentinel

Special Thanks Allen Lau Photography

Popup Media


Elaine O’Connor
[email protected]

中僑互助會成立於1973 年,是加拿大最大的社會服務機構之一,為社會提供廣泛的服務和項目,幫助大家在加國創建新生活,促進歸屬感、福祉和自立。提供的項目和服務包括:新移民安置、英語培訓、就業和創業、家庭、青年和長者項目、健康教育、社區發展、長者護理和可負擔住房。欲了解更多詳情,請訪問

