Energy Saving Tips and Bill Reading 居家节能窍门及能源账单解读
Energy Saving Tips and Bill Reading 居家节能窍门及能源账单解读
Content: Fundamentals for home energy savings How to read your energy bill Reducing energy cost, increasing efficiency Energy related benefit and rebates 內容: 居家节约能源的窍门 能源账单解读 如何减少电费及天然气费用 来自省政府的节能补助优惠 免费国语线上及线下讲座 (Free Hybrid Workshop in Mandarin) Please Choose One Option 选择 Option 1: 现场(15 个座位) - 恒基 2 楼办公室/In-person (15 seats) at Henderson Place office 地址 Address: #2058-1163...