長者支援小組 (免費廣東話活動) Senior support group (Free Cantonese activity)
長者支援小組 (免費廣東話活動) Senior support group (Free Cantonese activity)
移民安頓與融入項目舉辦免費廣東話實體活動暨講座 Immigrant Settlement & Integration Program is hosting a free Cantonese in-person activity and talk 活動內容: 簡便午餐 活動/工作坊內容包括認識 - 如何與其他人聯繫 科技, 平板或電話應用程式 社區資源 醫療 及 健康資訊 娛樂 及 康樂活動 Content: Light lunch Workshops on learning about the following - Connecting with others Using the technology Community resources Medical / Health resources Recreation activities 日期: 2024年12月6日...