Media Advisory
S.U.C.C.E.S.S. 50th Anniversary Walk with the Dragon celebration returns to Stanley Park July 9
Posted date: June 15, 2023
June 14, 2023
Media Advisory
S.U.C.C.E.S.S. 50th Anniversary Walk with the Dragon celebration returns to Stanley Park July 9
Vancouver, BC – S.U.C.C.E.S.S. is ready to kick off summer and celebrate our 50th anniversary year with the launch of our Walk with the Dragon community event in July. We welcome media to join us at Lumbermen’s Arch on Sunday, July 9 at 8:30 a.m. for the Opening Ceremonies and to cover the event.
Walk with the Dragon historically draws several thousand participants and is our largest community-based fundraising event, held in Stanley Park since 1986. Proceeds go directly to support essential S.U.C.C.E.S.S. programs for families, youth, women, and seniors.
“This is such a joyful community event, said S.U.C.C.E.S.S. CEO Queenie Choo. “It fills me with real pride each year to see all of our incredible community members coming together to enjoy fresh air, exercise and fun, as they lend their support to our cause and help us continue to assist people in need.”
The event is led by the longest Dragon in North America – the 100-foot long S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Dragon is carried by 40 martial artists who lead walkers and teams to participate in the three- or seven-kilometre routes through the park. Following the walk, our family-friendly fairgrounds are open to the public, featuring live music, entertainment, activities, giveaways, prizes, carnival games and photo booths.
“We are deeply grateful for all the support from our sponsors and long term supporters for this signature fundraising event,” said S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Foundation Board Chair Jason Lam.
We invite you to learn more, to register to walk as an individual or team, and to make a donation by visiting our Walk with the Dragon Event Platform at If you are looking to organize a youth group, please refer to our Walk with the Dragon Youth Participation Kit.
Date: Sunday, July 9, 2023
Time: Event begins at 8:30 a.m. sharp
Location: Lumbermen’s Arch, Stanley Park, Vancouver BC
Fundraising goal: $350,000
Event schedule:
Registration, Warm-up: 8:00 a.m.
Opening Ceremony: 8:30 a.m.
Walk Begins: 9:30 a.m.
Carnival Starts: 10:00 a.m.
Finale: 12:30 p.m.
For more information
In advance: Contact [email protected]
On event day: Register at VIP/Media reception located at A9 on our site map.
On parking: Please see Parking Map below
On location: Please see Site Map below
About S.U.C.C.E.S.S.
Founded in 1973, S.U.C.C.E.S.S. is one of the largest social service agencies in Canada. Our multicultural, non-profit charitable organization offers a wide range of programs and services that promote the belonging, wellness, and independence of people at all stages of their Canadian journey. Programs and services are offered in the areas of newcomer settlement, English language training, employment and entrepreneurship, family, youth and seniors programming, health education, community development, seniors care and affordable housing. Learn more at
About S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Foundation
Incorporated in 2001, S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Foundation is a charitable organization that raises funding for S.U.C.C.E.S.S. and its affiliated organizations supporting S.U.C.C.E.S.S. mandates that focus on strengthening our diverse communities. For details, please visit
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Get the latest news from S.U.C.C.E.S.S. on Twitter (@SUCCESSCanada), Facebook ( and LinkedIn (
Parking Map
Site Map
2023 S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Walk with the Dragon
Sunday, July 9, 2023 – Lumbermen’s Arch, Stanley Park, Vancouver
Thank you to all our sponsors:
- T-shirt Sponsor: Concord Pacific
- Official Airline Sponsor: Air Canada
- Kids Zone Sponsor: TD Bank
- Program Support Sponsor: Fairchild Media Group
- Official Printing Sponsor: Horseshoe Press
- Special Promotions Sponsor: LS Times TV, Canada Taiwan Exchange Association
- Gold Sponsors: Park Georgia Insurance, Intact Insurance
- Silver Sponsors: Delta Pacific Benefit Brokers Ltd, Dignity Memorial, Royal Pacific Realty, TELUS, TUEX Education, Vancouver Coastal Health
- Route Sponsor: Regent Park (Keylink) Realty – Chris Chan
- Booth Sponsors: AireEnergy, BMO Bank of Montreal, CIBC, Terry Immigration
- Community Sponsors: Community Services Benefits Trust (CSBT), GroupHealth
- In-Kind Sponsors: Dan-D-Pak, Maxim’s Bakery, Real Canadian Superstore, Sunrise, Tim Hortons
- Activity Sponsor: Denny’s
- Major Media Sponsors: Fairchild TV, Talentvision, Fairchild Radio AM1470/FM 96.1, CHMB AM1320, Ming Pao, Canadian Chinese Express, OMNI TV, SingTao, TVBUSA
- Special Thanks: Allen Lau Photography, People’s Moving Ltd
卑詩省溫哥華,中僑互助會在 7 月推出成立 50 週年系列慶祝活動—「中僑百萬行」,拉開夏日的序幕,。我們歡迎媒體於 7 月 9 日,星期日上午 8 點 30 分,在士 丹利公園林柏文園 參加開幕式並報導活動。
中僑百萬行始於1986 年,歷年來吸引了數千名參與者,是我們最大型的社區籌款活動之一。活動將會在士丹利公園舉辦。所有的籌款將會直接用於支助家庭、青年、婦女和長者的項目。
此次活動由北美最長100尺巨龍——中僑金龍 和 40 名武術家帶領 參與者和團隊 圍繞士丹利公園進行三公里或七公里步行。步行活動後,還會有適合家庭的活動向公眾開放,包括現場音樂、娛樂、、贈品、獎品、嘉年華遊戲攤位和照相亭等。
中僑基金會主席 林頌恩表示:「我們非常感謝所有的贊助商和長期支持者,也希望青少年對這次籌款活動的大力支持。」
我們邀請您 以個人或團隊身份註冊百萬行活動,想了解更多信息,歡迎訪問我們的網站,和我們的捐贈表格Walk with the Dragon Event Platform。如果您想組織一個青少年團體,請看我們百萬行青少年參與指南Walk with the Dragon Youth Participation Kit
日期:7月9號 (星期日)
8:00am 登記、熱身運動
8:30am 開幕儀式
9:30am 百萬行起步禮
10:00am 表演節目及嘉年華會開始
12:30pm 閉幕儀式
請提前聯繫 [email protected]。
活動當天:貴賓/媒體接待處註冊在地圖上位於 A9 的位置。
關於 中僑
關於 中僑基金會
中僑基金會成立於2001年,是一個慈善組織,為 中僑互助會 籌集資金及其附屬機構提供支持。側重於加強我們對多元化社區的支持。詳細信息,請訪問。
獲取中僑最新消息,可上 Twitter (@SUCCESSSCanada)、Facebook ( 和 LinkedIn ( 。
2023 年 7 月 9 日 – 林柏文園,士丹利公園,溫哥華
- T-shirt 贊助: Concord Pacific
- 大會機票贊助: Air Canada
- 兒童樂園贊助: TD Bank
- 節目贊助: Fairchild Media Group
- 印刷贊助: Horseshoe Press
- 特別宣傳贊助: LS Times TV, Canada Taiwan Exchange Association
- 金贊助: Park Georgia Insurance, Intact Insurance
- 銀贊助: Delta Pacific Benefit Brokers Ltd, Dignity Memorial, Royal Pacific Realty, TELUS, TUEX Education, Vancouver Coastal Health
- 路徑贊助: Regent Park (Keylink) Realty – Chris Chan
- 攤位贊助: AireEnergy, BMO Bank of Montreal, CIBC, Terry Immigration
- 社區贊助: Community Services Benefits Trust (CSBT), GroupHealth
- 禮品贊助: Dan-D-Pak, Maxim’s Bakery, Real Canadian Superstore Sunrise, Tim Hortons
- 活動贊助: Denny’s
- 主要傳媒贊助: Fairchild TV, Talentvision, Fairchild Radio AM1470/FM 96.1, CHMB AM1320, Ming Pao, Canadian Chinese Express, OMNI TV, SingTao, TVBUSA
- 特別鳴謝: Allen Lau Photography, People’s Moving Ltd