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1 event,


Understanding Contracts 了解合约的含义 (Mandarin)

0 events,

1 event,

- Recurring

數碼資訊學習計劃電腦班 (粵語 – 中階) | Digital Literacy Exchange Program (Cantonese – intermediate )

0 events,

0 events,

0 events,

3 events,


Common Screening Tests for Women in Canada 女性体检及常规筛查项目 (Mandarin)

- Recurring

數碼資訊學習計劃電腦班 (粵語 – 中階) | Digital Literacy Exchange Program (Cantonese – intermediate )

- Recurring

数码资讯学习计划电脑班 (国语 – 中階) | Digital Literacy Exchange Program (Mandarin – Intermediate)

1 event,


Introduction to Trade Professions and Pathways Ознайомлення із Ремісничими Професіями та Шляхами (English, Ukrainian)

0 events,

2 events,


Introduction to BC Services Card Application 卑诗省服务卡应用介绍 (Mandarin)

- Recurring

數碼資訊學習計劃電腦班 (粵語 – 中階) | Digital Literacy Exchange Program (Cantonese – intermediate )

0 events,

0 events,

0 events,

4 events,


Prostate Cancer Early Detection and Support Program 前列腺癌早期诊断及支持护理项目 (Mandarin)

- Recurring

数码资讯学习计划电脑班 (国语 – 中階) | Digital Literacy Exchange Program (Mandarin – Intermediate)

- Recurring

數碼資訊學習計劃電腦班 (粵語 – 中階) | Digital Literacy Exchange Program (Cantonese – intermediate )


Information for Buying & Selling a House不動産ガイダンス: 住宅購入と売却 (Japanese)

1 event,


Understanding Home Insurance in BC 了解BC省房屋保险 (Mandarin)

0 events,

3 events,


Resources for People Living with Chronic Pain 女性及长者健康项目 W

- Recurring

數碼資訊學習計劃電腦班 (粵語 – 中階) | Digital Literacy Exchange Program (Cantonese – intermediate )


City of Richmond Newcomers Bus Tour 新移民巴士之旅 – 列治文社区资源介绍及参观 (English, Mandarin)

0 events,

1 event,


Curling in Canada: Explore the Sport of Curling 在加拿大体验冰壶运动 (English, Mandarin)

0 events,

0 events,

2 events,


Labour Market Trends and Hot Jobs 就业市场和热门职业分析 (Mandarin)


Personal Income Tax Preparation 2024 年个人所得税报税须知

1 event,


Hockey Night in Canada – Exploring the Canadian Hockey Experience ホッケーナイト ‐ カナダのホッケーを楽しみましょう (English, Japanese)

3 events,


Useful Apps and Websites for English Self-Study 实 用 英 语 学 习 应 用 和 网 站 (Mandarin)


Effective Tax Strategies 有效的稅務規劃 (Cantonese)

- Recurring

數碼資訊學習計劃電腦班 (粵語 – 中階) | Digital Literacy Exchange Program (Cantonese – intermediate )

0 events,

0 events,

0 events,

1 event,

2 events,


Personal Income Tax Preparation 个人所得税申报须知 (Mandarin)


Labour Market Information for Internationally Trained Nurses

0 events,

2 events,


Introduction to Common Online Functions of ICBC Website for Newcomers 新移民在 ICBC 网页上常用功能介绍 (Mandarin)


Newcomers Orientation & Benefits Overview تازه واردان و مزایای بررسی اجمالی (Dari, Pashto)

0 events,

Understanding Contracts 了解合约的含义 (Mandarin)

數碼資訊學習計劃電腦班 (粵語 – 中階) | Digital Literacy Exchange Program (Cantonese – intermediate )

Common Screening Tests for Women in Canada 女性体检及常规筛查项目 (Mandarin)

數碼資訊學習計劃電腦班 (粵語 – 中階) | Digital Literacy Exchange Program (Cantonese – intermediate )

数码资讯学习计划电脑班 (国语 – 中階) | Digital Literacy Exchange Program (Mandarin – Intermediate)

Introduction to Trade Professions and Pathways Ознайомлення із Ремісничими Професіями та Шляхами (English, Ukrainian)

Introduction to BC Services Card Application 卑诗省服务卡应用介绍 (Mandarin)

數碼資訊學習計劃電腦班 (粵語 – 中階) | Digital Literacy Exchange Program (Cantonese – intermediate )

Prostate Cancer Early Detection and Support Program 前列腺癌早期诊断及支持护理项目 (Mandarin)

数码资讯学习计划电脑班 (国语 – 中階) | Digital Literacy Exchange Program (Mandarin – Intermediate)

數碼資訊學習計劃電腦班 (粵語 – 中階) | Digital Literacy Exchange Program (Cantonese – intermediate )

Information for Buying & Selling a House不動産ガイダンス: 住宅購入と売却 (Japanese)

Understanding Home Insurance in BC 了解BC省房屋保险 (Mandarin)

Resources for People Living with Chronic Pain 女性及长者健康项目 W

數碼資訊學習計劃電腦班 (粵語 – 中階) | Digital Literacy Exchange Program (Cantonese – intermediate )

City of Richmond Newcomers Bus Tour 新移民巴士之旅 – 列治文社区资源介绍及参观 (English, Mandarin)

Curling in Canada: Explore the Sport of Curling 在加拿大体验冰壶运动 (English, Mandarin)

Labour Market Trends and Hot Jobs 就业市场和热门职业分析 (Mandarin)

Personal Income Tax Preparation 2024 年个人所得税报税须知

Hockey Night in Canada – Exploring the Canadian Hockey Experience ホッケーナイト ‐ カナダのホッケーを楽しみましょう (English, Japanese)

Useful Apps and Websites for English Self-Study 实 用 英 语 学 习 应 用 和 网 站 (Mandarin)

Effective Tax Strategies 有效的稅務規劃 (Cantonese)

數碼資訊學習計劃電腦班 (粵語 – 中階) | Digital Literacy Exchange Program (Cantonese – intermediate )

Next Generation NCLEX (NGN) Exam Case Study Prep

Personal Income Tax Preparation 个人所得税申报须知 (Mandarin)

Labour Market Information for Internationally Trained Nurses

Introduction to Common Online Functions of ICBC Website for Newcomers 新移民在 ICBC 网页上常用功能介绍 (Mandarin)

Newcomers Orientation & Benefits Overview تازه واردان و مزایای بررسی اجمالی (Dari, Pashto)