E-Start Pre-Arrival Online Employment Program for Refugees

Refugees are better prepared for the Canadian labour market as they receive tailored occupation-specific information prior to their arrival to Canada. Our online services support refugees to gain the knowledge needed to find their first job in Canada.

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Services We Offer

Each online learning module includes:

  • An introduction
  • 9 lessons
  • Quiz after each lesson
  • Certificate will be granted after passing all quizzes

All modules are selected based on demand and available jobs across Canada. By completing all lessons you will be equipped with solid information for your employment before coming to Canada.

Service Eligibility

  • Refugee destined for Canada
  • Currently outside of Canada (anywhere in the world)
  • Have a UCI number (unique client identifier)
  • Looking for employment information

Funded by Immigration, Refugees & Citizenship Canada

Contact Us

E-Start Online Service Centre

#206 - 181 Keefer Place
Vancouver, BC
V6B 6C1