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2024 Bridge to S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Gala raises $552,820 to fund community programs

Posted date: March 16, 2024

2024 Bridge to S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Gala raises $552,820 to fund community programs


March 16, 2024

Vancouver, B.C. – S.U.C.C.E.S.S. will be able to provide ongoing and enhanced programming thanks to generous donations of more than $552,820 from community members who attended our 2024 Bridge to S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Gala.

The 47th annual fundraising event, held this year on March 16 at Vancouver’s Westin Bayshore Hotel, helps fund S.U.C.C.E.S.S. programs that receive no funding or partial funding from the government, such as our counselling services, our Help Lines, which are offered in r languages, and our community programs for seniors.

“It is a beautiful thing to witness the steadfast support S.U.C.C.E.S.S. continues to receive from the community, 50 years into our mission of helping newcomers succeed on their Canadian journeys,” said Queenie Choo, CEO of S.U.C.C.E.S.S. and S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Foundation. “Because of you, we’re able to assist 77,000 clients each year, providing settlement services, affordable housing, seniors care and community programs that help newcomers from more than 150 countries thrive in Canada.”

The Gala, with its Enchanted Garden theme, provided a luxurious night of philanthropy, live entertainment and fine dining to the city’s business and community leaders, including performances from Hong Kong singers Miranda Lee and Ramon Lo, a cocktail reception, silent and live auctions and raffles.

“The generosity of S.U.C.C.E.S.S. donors, event sponsors, volunteers and board members sows the seeds of success for new Canadians and marginalized groups in our community,” said Foundation Board Chair Jason Lam. “Our services make a real difference in people’s lives – whether we are helping a newcomer learn English, a youth find a first job, a family find secure housing or a senior access health care. You should be proud of your part in ensuring they get the support they need.”

About our sponsors

Corporate Sponsors

  • Official Airline Sponsor, Air Canada
  • Official Jewelry Sponsor, Lugaro
  • Sustainable Cities Sponsor, Concord Pacific Group
  • Official Printing Sponsor, Rayacom
  • Technical & Lighting Sponsor, Topline Entertainment
  • Diamond Sponsor, BOSA & Vanprop – Lansdowne Phase 1 LP
  • Diamond Sponsor, Chempaka Holding Limited
  • Diamond Sponsor, CPA Development Consultants
  • Diamond Sponsor, Grosvenor
  • Diamond Sponsor, Ip Family Charity Fund
  • Diamond Sponsor, Park Georgia insurance & Wawanesa
  • Diamond Sponsor, Wong’s Insurance
  • Diamond Sponsor, RBC
  • Diamond Sponsor, Aesthetic Miracle
  • VIP Reception Sponsor, CIBC
  • Silent Auction Sponsor, Leith Wheeler Investment Counsel Ltd.
  • Silver Sponsor, BMO
  • Silver Sponsor, DLA Piper LLP
  • Silver Sponsor, Forecight Cybersecurity
  • Silver Sponsor, Grand Long Holdings Canada Pacific Northern Developments
  • Silver Sponsor, Patsy Hui RE/MAX Westcoast
  • Silver Sponsor, Parq Vancouver
  • Silver Sponsor, Polygon
  • Silver Sponsor, Porsche Centre Vancouver
  • Silver Sponsor, PwC
  • Silver Sponsor, Scotiabank
  • Silver Sponsor, Softlanding
  • Silver Sponsor, Vancity
  • Silver Sponsor, CICA
  • Silver Sponsor, Maxim’s Bakery
  • Bronze Sponsor, Central Walk / Tsawwassen Mills Central Walk
  • Bronze Sponsor, Clark Wilson LLP
  • Bronze Sponsor, CSBT/Group HEALTH Benefit Solutions
  • Bronze Sponsor, Delta Pacific Benefit Brokers Ltd.
  • Bronze Sponsor, dys architecture
  • Bronze Sponsor, Edward Jones Investment
  • Bronze Sponsor, Gallagher
  • Bronze Sponsor, Marcus Lai & Mandy Wu Wealth Management of RBC Dominion Securities Inc.
  • Bronze Sponsor, Sunrise Soya Foods
  • Bronze Sponsor, Vancouver Chinatown Foundation
  • Bronze Sponsor, VanMar Constructors Inc.
  • Bronze Sponsors, Tom Lee Music
  • Bronze Sponsors, Vino Vici
  • Bronze Sponsors, Prenuvo


  • Program Support Sponsor, Fairchild Media Group
  • Special Promotions Sponsor, LS Times/Canwest Taiwan
  • Major Media Sponsor, Fairchild TV
  • Major Media Sponsor, Talent Vision
  • Major Media Sponsor, AM1470
  • Major Media Sponsor, FM96.1
  • Major Media Sponsor, OMNI TV
  • Major Media Sponsor, AM1320 CHMB
  • Major Media Sponsor, Ming Pao
  • Major Media Sponsor, Sing Tao
  • Performance Sponsor, TVB USA
  • Media Sponsors, Mingshengbao
  • Media Sponsors, Canadian City Post
  • Media Sponsor, Richmond Sentinel

Special Thanks

  • Special Thanks, Allen Lau Photography
  • Special Thanks, Jun Lam
  • Special Thanks, OTIC
  • Special Thanks, Popup Media
  • Special Thanks, Mr. Rent-A-Car
  • Special Thanks, Victoria Chinese Restaurant

For more information
Elaine O’Connor
Director, Strategic Communications and Partnerships
[email protected]

About S.U.C.C.E.S.S.
Founded in 1973, S.U.C.C.E.S.S. is one of the largest social service agencies in Canada. Our multicultural, non-profit charitable organization offers a wide range of programs and services that promote the belonging, wellness, and independence of people at all stages of their Canadian journey. Programs and services are offered in the areas of newcomer settlement, English language training, employment and entrepreneurship, family, youth and seniors programming, health education, community development, seniors care and affordable housing. Learn more at

About S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Foundation
Incorporated in 2001, S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Foundation is a charitable organization that raises funding for S.U.C.C.E.S.S. and its affiliated organizations supporting S.U.C.C.E.S.S. mandates that focus on strengthening our diverse communities. For details, please visit

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加拿大溫哥華 – 多謝各界慷慨捐助,我們在2024年的中僑新輝夜籌得55萬加元的善款,這筆善款將幫助中僑互助會持續提供和加強各項服務。

這是第47屆中僑新輝夜籌款活動,今年於3月16日在溫哥華Westin Bayshore Hotel舉行,這些善款有助於資助中僑互助會的社區計劃,有部分計劃未獲得或只獲得部分政府資助,例如我們的輔導服務、四種語言的心理熱線以及針對長者的社區計劃。



「中僑互助會的捐助者、活動贊助商、義工和董事會成員的慷慨行為,為我們社區中的新加拿大人和弱勢群體播下了成功的種子。」 中僑基金會主席林頌恩先生表示。「我們的服務在人們的生活中產生了真正的影響 – 無論是幫助新移民學習英語,還是幫助年輕人找到第一份工作,或是幫助家庭找到安全的住房,又或是幫助老年人獲得醫療保健。您應該能為幫助他們獲得所需的支持感到自豪。」



機票贊助 – Air Canada

珠寶贊助- Lugaro Jewelers

可持續城市贊助 – Concord Pacific Group

官方印刷贊助 – Rayacom/ Horseshoe Press

技術與燈光贊助 – Topline Entertainment

鑽石贊助 – BOSA & Vanprop – Lansdowne Phase 1 LP

鑽石贊助 – Chempaka Holding Limited

鑽石贊助 – CPA Development Consultants

鑽石贊助 – Grosvenor

鑽石贊助 – Ip Family Charity Fund

鑽石贊助 – Park Georgia insurance & Wawanesa

鑽石贊助 – Wong’s Insurance

鑽石贊助 – RBC

鑽石贊助 – Aesthetic Miracle

貴賓接待贊助 – CIBC

無聲拍賣贊助 – Leith Wheeler Investment Counsel Ltd.

銀贊助 – BMO

銀贊助 – DLA Piper LLP

銀贊助 – Forecight Cybersecurity


銀贊助 – Grand Long Holdings Canada Pacific Northern Developments

銀贊助 – Patsy Hui RE/MAX Westcoast

銀贊助 – Parq Vancouver

銀贊助 – Polygon

銀贊助 – Porsche Centre Vancouver

銀贊助 – PwC

銀贊助 – Scotiabank

銀贊助 – Softlanding

銀贊助 – TD Bank

銀贊助 – Vancity

銀贊助 – CICA

銀贊助 – Maxim’s Bakery

銅贊助 – Central Walk / Tsawwassen Mills Central Walk

銅贊助 – Clark Wilson LLP

銅贊助 – CSBT/Group HEALTH Benefit Solutions

銅贊助 – Delta Pacific Benefit Brokers Ltd.

銅贊助 – dys architecture

銅贊助 – Edward Jones Investment

銅贊助 – Gallagher

銅贊助 – Marcus Lai & Mandy Wu Wealth Management of RBC Dominion Securities Inc.

銅贊助 – Sunrise

銅贊助 – Vancouver Chinatown Foundation

銅贊助 – VanMar Constructors Inc.

銅贊助 – Tom Lee Music

銅贊助 – Vino Vici

銅贊助 – Prenuvo


節目表演贊助 – Fairchild TV Group

特別宣傳贊助 – LS Times/Canwest Taiwan

主要傳媒贊助 – Fairchild TV/Talent Vision

主要傳媒贊助 – AM1470/ FM96.1

主要傳媒贊助 – MNI TV

主要傳媒贊助 – AM1320 CHMB

主要傳媒贊助 – Mingpao

主要傳媒贊助 – Singtao

表演贊助 – TVB USA

傳媒贊助 – Mingshengbao

傳媒贊助 – Canadian City Post

傳媒贊助 – Richmond Sentinel


特別感謝 – Allen Lau

特別感謝 – Jun Lam

特別感謝 – OTIC

特別感謝 – Popup Media

特別感謝 – Mr. Rent-A-Car

特別感謝 – Victoria Chinese Restaurant


Elaine O’Connor
[email protected]

中僑互助會成立於1973 年,是加拿大最大的社會服務機構之一,為社會提供廣泛的服務和項目,幫助大家在加國創建新生活,促進歸屬感、福祉和自立。提供的項目和服務包括:新移民安置、英語培訓、就業和創業、家庭、青年和長者項目、健康教育、社區發展、長者護理和可負擔住房。欲了解更多詳情,請瀏覽

