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Volunteering at Steveston Hub Christmas Market 义工活动 – Steveston Hub 圣诞市集 (English, Mandarin)

December 9, 2023

Free In-Person English Building Community Connections Activity with Mandarin Interpretation – We Volunteer Here


Program Contents 活动内容
If you wish to give back to your community, we have an excellent volunteer activity. Join our volunteer activity at the Steveston Hub Christmas Market on December 10th. Let’s enjoy this Christmas season by meaningful volunteering! 欢迎报名参加本次义工活动回馈社区,于12月10日协助Steveston Hub圣诞市集。让我们在有意义的义工活动中享受这个圣诞季吧!
Volunteering at Steveston Hub Christmas Market: Steveston Hub圣诞市集义工活动
  • Volunteers are expected to dedicate a 3-hour shift.
  • Santa hats, coffee, water and bathroom will be provided on the event day. Please bring your own snacks.
  • Tasks include greetings, directing traffic, and assisting with receiving donations.
  • Please dress warmly according to the weather.
  • Conversational fluency in English are encouraged.
  • 义工时间为3小时。我们的工作人员会提前和您确认您的义工时段。
  • 当天会提供圣诞帽、咖啡、水及洗手间。如有需要,请自备零食。
  • 义工任务范围包括迎宾、指引及协助接收捐赠。
  • 请根据天气状况注意保暖。
  • 鼓励志愿者能使用英语进行基本对话。
Shifts (Choose One): 1) 10:45am-2pm 

                                      2) 1:45pm-5pm

Location: Steveston Hub

Address: 3551 Moncton Street, Richmond, BC

义工时段(选择其一1)上午1045 至 下午2

                                               2)下午145分 至 下午5

活动地点:Steveston Hub

地址:3551 Moncton Street, Richmond, BC

Sign up online / 线上报名

604-279-7180 / 778-656-0748

[email protected]

After the registration, we will contact you to validate your information and confirm the registration. Please have your Permanent Resident card or Immigration documents available.
收到您的注册信息后, 我们工作人员会与您联系以确认并核对您的信息,请您准备您的永久居民卡或提供​移民文件信息。

10 spots available. Registration is required:
Elgible Participants: Permanent Residents,  Protected Persons, Convention Refugees and Live-in Caregivers.





  • Date

    December 9, 2023

  • Time

    10:45 am - 5:00 pm

  • Language


  • Service

    Community Engagement, Settlement


  • Immigrant Settlement and Integration Program

  • Sissi Su


