- This event has passed.
Would you like to visit Science World with your family? If you are a Mandarin-speaking immigrant living in BC, welcome to join our Free Online Activity in Mandarin.
Science World is a registered charity, offering a diverse activities and exhibitions of STEAM to the general public.
温哥华科学馆是注册慈善团体, 致力为儿童、青少年、家庭及普罗大众提供多元的STEAM 科技体验活动。
Successful Participant can have a free admission ticket (max. 6 persons in a group). Tickets are limited, first-come, first-served. Proof of permanent residency required. Persons who have not be benefited under this scheme in the recent 6 months are welcomed.
成功参加简介会者可获得科学馆门票一张(最多6人同行)。门票数量有限, 先到先得, 参加者须为半年内未曾受惠于本计划者。请预先登记, 职员会与您联络以核对永久居民身份文件。
- Fun facts about Science World
- Fully utilize your ticket
- Tips in booking your visit
- Tips in planning your visit
- Health & Safety Protocol
- 科学馆小知识
- 门票使用须知
- 如何预约参观
- 计划行程小贴士
- 最新防疫安排
Registration required by Sep 22, 12PM
登记截止: 9月22日中午12时
For additional inquiries,查询: [email protected]
Contact, 电话: 604-330-8048
- Priority is given to Permanent Residents, Convention Refugees, Protected Persons, and Live-in Caregivers
永久居民, 公约难民,受保护人士和住家保姆优先登记 - Residents of BC only
活动仅限卑诗省居民 - Proof of permanent residency required for registration
After the registration, we will contact you to validate your information and confirm the registration. Please have your Permanent Resident card or immigration documents available.