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Planning Ahead: Reminder App on iOS Devices 提前计划:iOS 设备的提醒应用 (Mandarin)
October 18, 2024
Free Online/in-person Mandarin Workshop in Small Setting 免费线上/面对面国语小班讲座
Use iPhone/iPad/MacBook to 使用苹果手机、平板、电脑来
→Create a reminder and add functions 创建提醒和添加功能
→Create a list of things to get done 新建列表来梳理待办事项
Choose one of the following dates 任选其中一个日期参加
DATE 日期 | VENUE 地点 | TIME 时间 |
Choice 1: Oct. 18, 2024, Friday
选择1: 2024年10月18日, 周五 |
Online: ZOOM Meeting
线上: ZOOM会议 |
10:00-11:30 AM
上午10点–11点30分 |
Choice 2: Oct. 19, 2024, Saturday
选择2: 2024年10月19日, 周六 |
In-Person: Richmond Caring Place
#220-7000 Minoru Blvd 线下:列治文服务中心#220-7000 Minoru Blvd |
10:00-11:30 AM
上午10点–11点30分 |
By Phone 电话: 604-279-7180 / 778-656-0751
Eligible Participants: Permanent Residents, Protected Persons, Convention Refugees and Live-in Caregivers.
Registration is required. Meeting link to the workshop will be emailed to you.