- This event has passed.
- Canadian income tax regulations and procedures for filing income tax
- How to declare overseas assets
- Definition of resident and non-resident for tax purposes
- Tax credits
- 加拿大的税务条例及个人报税注意事项
- 海外资产税申报条例及程序
- 如何定义税务及非税务居民
- 税务优惠
Phone 电话: 236-880-3257/604-279-7180
Connections and seats are limited. Registration is required:
Eligible Participants: Permanent Residents, Protected Persons, Convention Refugees and Live-in Caregivers.
Venue: Please Choose One Option 参与方式:任选一种
Option 选择1: In-person (15 seats) at Program Room (2F Richmond Public Library Brighouse Main Branch) 现场(15个座位)- 列治文图书馆2楼
Address 地址: 7700 Minoru Gate, Richmond, BC
Option 选择2: Online (ZOOM) 线上ZOOM会议