- This event has passed.
- Monitor personal health with your iPhone 使用苹果手机管理个人健康
- Request assistance with an iPhone in dangerous situations 遇险时用苹果手机寻求帮助
- Check your health records with “Health Gateway App” 使用健康之门应用查看健康记录
Date 日期 | Time
时间 |
Venue 地点 |
Choice 1 选择1:
May 19, 2023, Friday 2023年5月19日 周五 |
10:00 AM – 11:30 AM
上午10点-11点30分 |
Online: ZOOM Meeting
线上: ZOOM会议 |
Choice 2 选择2:
May 27, 2023, Saturday 2023年5月27日 周六 |
10:00 AM – 11:30 AM
上午10点-11点30分 |
In-Person: Richmond Caring Place #220-7000 Minoru Blvd
线下:列治文服务中心#220-7000 Minoru Blvd |
604-279-7180 / 778-731-1640
Eligible Participants: Permanent Residents, Protected Persons, Convention Refugees and Live-in Caregivers.
The number of connections is limited. Registration is required.
After the registration, we will contact you to validate your information and confirm the registration. Please have your Permanent Resident card or immigration documents available.
Meeting link to the workshop will be emailed to you.
请预先报名. 收到您的注册信息后, 我们工作人员会与您联系以确认并核对您的信息.