- This event has passed.
內容 | Content:
這個工作坊將提供MERV 13 過濾網及所需的說明和材料, 讓你打造⾃⼰的空氣淨化器。課程為英文授課,附有中文翻譯。
完成後你可以把在班上製作的空氣淨化器帶回家, 每戶只能獲得一台空氣淨化器。
This workshop will provide instructions and materials necessary to build your own air filter using a MERV 13 filter. Take home the air cleaner you build in the workshop, each household can only receive one air cleaner.
日期 | Date:
2023 年 9 ⽉ 5 ⽇ | September 5, 2023
時間 | Time:
上午課 9:30‒11:00 | 9:30 am–11 am
下午課 1:30 ‒ 3:00 | 1:30 pm–3 pm
地點 | Location:
312 Main Street, Vancouver, BC
登記 | Register :
(604)- 374-0451